New Year: Health Goals
One of the most common goals that people set at the New Year, and at other times, is a health related goal. Usually this takes the form of “I want to lose weight” Sometimes it is left at that, and sometimes it is more specific, “I want to lose 15 pounds.” Then, steps are added to accomplish the goal. “I’m going to walk/run/workout for 30 minutes a day.” “I’m going to start this or that diet.” “I’m going to cut out sugar/fats/carbs/sodas/candy/etc…” Sometimes the health related goals are more fitness related or targeted to a specific sport or objective. “I want to lift x pounds.” “I want to run x distance at x speed.” “I want more strength/endurance.” Even things like “I want to get more sleep/drink more water/be outside more/have less stress.” are health related goals. Health related goals are some of the most prevalent for several reasons.
So, with that in mind, what sort of health goals do you have, because we should all have some sort of health related goal, but as you think about that, don’t just consider physical health. Think about these three types of health: physical, mental, spiritual. What goal do you have in each of those areas?
Now, let’s talk about these. Goals should not be self-centered, but rather founded on Christ, so what does the Bible have to say about this? Keep in mind as we are going through this, that this is a very cursory look at each of these. We could dive a lot deeper into each of these areas and look at very specific aspects of each, but this is just an overview.
God never intended us to be fat, lazy, tired, weak individuals. He sculpted and formed your body as something beautiful and majestic and strong and capable. It is true that we live in a broken/sinful world, and as part of that, corruption and flaw has infiltrated creation, including our bodies. This can manifest in sickness and disease, and sometimes people are born with crippling disabilities, however, for most people, we still have capable bodies, and we should be striving to be healthy and strong in those bodies.
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 we read, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
Then in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, “Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.”
In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul is specifically talking about sexual immorality and sin, but the concept is true for general care and health of our bodies. We, especially as Christians, are temples. A temple is a special, dedicated place to serve, honor, and worship God. It is not a dilapidated building with boarded up doors and windows. It’s not some nasty shop with peeling paint and moldy sinks. It’s not even just some “ok” common building. It is beautiful and ornate and intentional, and in the same way, God made us to be His holy temple, to be the house of God. We should take care of our bodies in every way we can imagine.
Second, let’s look at mental health. As we mentioned before, mental health is another incredibly important part of our overall health, but, unfortunately, something that is often overlooked. Your mental health and physical health are closely integrated, and while it is possible to be super healthy physically and still unhealthy mentally, often when one improves, so does the other.
When we are talking about mental health we are talking about our mindset, our thoughts, the way we look at and think about the world and ourselves. Mentally healthy people tend to be fairly well regulated, are able to handle stress and difficulty well. They tend not to be depressed or anxious or sad all the time. This doesn’t mean that mentally healthy people are never scared or sad or overwhelmed, but it’s not the standard or default. They tend to be more encouraged and motivated and happy or joyful.
We see in Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
We can probably all attest to the truth of this. When our mental health suffers, when our spirit is crushed, we tend to feel bad physically as well, as if we can’t do anything and have no energy, but when we are full of joy it invigorates us.
Mental health is a bit more difficult to work toward as it is a lot more intangible, and there are certain aspects of it that may be chemical or something that we are a bit unsure about. However, there are things that we can do to work on our mental health.
This brings us to the final health aspect, spiritual health. It is entirely possible to be a fit, healthy, mentally stable and healthy individual, and yet still be incredibly unhealthy spiritually. At the end of the day, we are intended to be God’s temple, a place of worship and devotion to God, and if we aren’t spiritually healthy we aren’t living up to what we are supposed to be, and we aren’t fully healthy.
We see in Proverbs 3:7-8 “Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.”
We see this same idea that being spiritually healthy is empowering and refreshing and healing, and this doesn’t come through knowing everything and working hard and being dedicated to your commitments. It comes through fearing the Lord, which doesn’t mean to be afraid, but rather to respect and have reverence and awe for, and from turning away from those things that are evil, those things that are in opposition to God and His plan and design for you.
Each and every one of us was fearfully and wonderfully made and designed with intentionality. God knew us and had a plan for us when He made us, and part of that plan, for you and I, is to love and follow Him, not just to have head or cultural knowledge of Him, but to be devoted to Him in every way. If we aren’t, if we haven’t given our lives over to Him and turned from evil, we are spiritually unhealthy, and if we are spiritually unhealthy there is no way that we will ever be fully healthy.
Spiritual health is the foundation for a fully healthy life. So, I encourage you to set some health goals and start pursuing them, not because they will make you a better person, but because it is what God wants for us. Become spiritually healthy, which begins with giving your life to Christ, and then continues with growing in your relationship with Him, praying, studying the Bible, and turning from evil. With that foundation, become intentional about what you think about, the content that you allow to permeate your mind, and be dedicated to being physically healthy. Your body is a temple. Treat it as such.
- Health related goals are often quantifiable and observable. We have a tangible starting line and goal line, and we can create obtainable steps to get from A to B. The actual results may be a little less tangible, or take longer to see, but the steps are very concrete. It may take several months to see a loss of weight, an increase in muscle, a change in how you feel (physically or mentally), but you can very easily know whether or not you drank 8 cups of water or walked for 30 minutes.
- Health affects everything we do every single day. Your health and fitness level, as well as your mental health, determines a lot about what you are able to do and what you want to do every day. Are you active? Do you play sports? Do you go outside? Can you do physical labor? Are you tired all the time? Do you hurt all the time? Are you excited and eager or depressed and anxious? Your physical health, while not the only factor, can go a long way in determining the type of life you live and the quality of that life, and your physical and mental health go hand-in-hand. In general, if one is unhealthy, the other will be as well, and if one starts to get healthier, so will the other one.
- Our health can affect, not only our lives, but the lives of those around us, of our friends and family.
So, with that in mind, what sort of health goals do you have, because we should all have some sort of health related goal, but as you think about that, don’t just consider physical health. Think about these three types of health: physical, mental, spiritual. What goal do you have in each of those areas?
Now, let’s talk about these. Goals should not be self-centered, but rather founded on Christ, so what does the Bible have to say about this? Keep in mind as we are going through this, that this is a very cursory look at each of these. We could dive a lot deeper into each of these areas and look at very specific aspects of each, but this is just an overview.
God never intended us to be fat, lazy, tired, weak individuals. He sculpted and formed your body as something beautiful and majestic and strong and capable. It is true that we live in a broken/sinful world, and as part of that, corruption and flaw has infiltrated creation, including our bodies. This can manifest in sickness and disease, and sometimes people are born with crippling disabilities, however, for most people, we still have capable bodies, and we should be striving to be healthy and strong in those bodies.
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 we read, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
Then in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, “Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.”
In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul is specifically talking about sexual immorality and sin, but the concept is true for general care and health of our bodies. We, especially as Christians, are temples. A temple is a special, dedicated place to serve, honor, and worship God. It is not a dilapidated building with boarded up doors and windows. It’s not some nasty shop with peeling paint and moldy sinks. It’s not even just some “ok” common building. It is beautiful and ornate and intentional, and in the same way, God made us to be His holy temple, to be the house of God. We should take care of our bodies in every way we can imagine.
Second, let’s look at mental health. As we mentioned before, mental health is another incredibly important part of our overall health, but, unfortunately, something that is often overlooked. Your mental health and physical health are closely integrated, and while it is possible to be super healthy physically and still unhealthy mentally, often when one improves, so does the other.
When we are talking about mental health we are talking about our mindset, our thoughts, the way we look at and think about the world and ourselves. Mentally healthy people tend to be fairly well regulated, are able to handle stress and difficulty well. They tend not to be depressed or anxious or sad all the time. This doesn’t mean that mentally healthy people are never scared or sad or overwhelmed, but it’s not the standard or default. They tend to be more encouraged and motivated and happy or joyful.
We see in Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
We can probably all attest to the truth of this. When our mental health suffers, when our spirit is crushed, we tend to feel bad physically as well, as if we can’t do anything and have no energy, but when we are full of joy it invigorates us.
Mental health is a bit more difficult to work toward as it is a lot more intangible, and there are certain aspects of it that may be chemical or something that we are a bit unsure about. However, there are things that we can do to work on our mental health.
- As mentioned before, being physically healthy can help with mental health, so stay physically healthy. Workout, walk, get outside in the sun and fresh air, drink water, eat well, sleep. All of these things will help with your mental health.
- Be intentional about what you think about and what you allow to occupy your mind. This comes both in the form of choosing to think about things that are good and lovely and commendable and in the form of choosing not to partake in things that are dark and destructive. Just like if you put junk into your body, you're gonna feel like junk, if you put junk into your mind, you're going to have unhealthy thoughts. So don’t do it.
- Just as your physical and mental health are connected, your mental and spiritual health are connected. Romans 8:6 says, “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” This speaks to what we were talking about before, of choosing to put good, not bad, into your mind, but this is specifically talking about spiritual health, not just thinking about good things and not bad, but thinking about Godly things.
This brings us to the final health aspect, spiritual health. It is entirely possible to be a fit, healthy, mentally stable and healthy individual, and yet still be incredibly unhealthy spiritually. At the end of the day, we are intended to be God’s temple, a place of worship and devotion to God, and if we aren’t spiritually healthy we aren’t living up to what we are supposed to be, and we aren’t fully healthy.
We see in Proverbs 3:7-8 “Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.”
We see this same idea that being spiritually healthy is empowering and refreshing and healing, and this doesn’t come through knowing everything and working hard and being dedicated to your commitments. It comes through fearing the Lord, which doesn’t mean to be afraid, but rather to respect and have reverence and awe for, and from turning away from those things that are evil, those things that are in opposition to God and His plan and design for you.
Each and every one of us was fearfully and wonderfully made and designed with intentionality. God knew us and had a plan for us when He made us, and part of that plan, for you and I, is to love and follow Him, not just to have head or cultural knowledge of Him, but to be devoted to Him in every way. If we aren’t, if we haven’t given our lives over to Him and turned from evil, we are spiritually unhealthy, and if we are spiritually unhealthy there is no way that we will ever be fully healthy.
Spiritual health is the foundation for a fully healthy life. So, I encourage you to set some health goals and start pursuing them, not because they will make you a better person, but because it is what God wants for us. Become spiritually healthy, which begins with giving your life to Christ, and then continues with growing in your relationship with Him, praying, studying the Bible, and turning from evil. With that foundation, become intentional about what you think about, the content that you allow to permeate your mind, and be dedicated to being physically healthy. Your body is a temple. Treat it as such.