Giving is one of those topics that no one wants to really talk about. It can be uncomfortable. How do you know what the "right" thing to say is. But, Jesus wasn't afraid to talk about it. He wasn't afraid to talk about money. As a part of a church, part of our responsibility is to give back to the church, in time, in service, in prayer, and financially.
There are practical needs at the church: salaries need to be paid; electric, gas & water bills are due; there's insurance, security, internet, mortgage that all need to be accounted for, and then there's the cost to do ministry, to purchase supplies for the kids department, youth, coffee bar, plates and utensils and food for meals, mission trips and projects, etc... The unfortunate truth is that running the church and doing ministry requires money, and the way that the church receives that money is from its members, from generous gifts of faith. This is true for everyone from the person who slips in just after service starts and slips out just before it ends to the pastor and elders. Everyone is invited to be a part of the church through giving.
The amount doesn't really matter. As we saw last week in Mark 12:41-44, the widow who gave an inconsequential penny's worth of donation, Jesus said gave more than everyone else combined. “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box." This does not mean that everyone else shouldn't give because their motives were wrong, but that everyone should give, and if your motives are wrong, work on your heart.
You may feel like you don't have enough money or someone else is probably giving so you don't need to, but the fact is that Jesus has asked us to give, regardless of the gift amount or the amount in your bank account, and if you think that it's unnecessary because someone else is, you may be wrong. Giving is part of being a part of the church, and I guarantee that God does not leave you out to dry if you faithfully give. He takes care of you. He is faithful to you.
There are practical needs at the church: salaries need to be paid; electric, gas & water bills are due; there's insurance, security, internet, mortgage that all need to be accounted for, and then there's the cost to do ministry, to purchase supplies for the kids department, youth, coffee bar, plates and utensils and food for meals, mission trips and projects, etc... The unfortunate truth is that running the church and doing ministry requires money, and the way that the church receives that money is from its members, from generous gifts of faith. This is true for everyone from the person who slips in just after service starts and slips out just before it ends to the pastor and elders. Everyone is invited to be a part of the church through giving.
The amount doesn't really matter. As we saw last week in Mark 12:41-44, the widow who gave an inconsequential penny's worth of donation, Jesus said gave more than everyone else combined. “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box." This does not mean that everyone else shouldn't give because their motives were wrong, but that everyone should give, and if your motives are wrong, work on your heart.
You may feel like you don't have enough money or someone else is probably giving so you don't need to, but the fact is that Jesus has asked us to give, regardless of the gift amount or the amount in your bank account, and if you think that it's unnecessary because someone else is, you may be wrong. Giving is part of being a part of the church, and I guarantee that God does not leave you out to dry if you faithfully give. He takes care of you. He is faithful to you.