Advent: Love
On this final Sunday of Advent, which just so happens to fall on Christmas Eve, we are going to look at love. If asked to come up with a list of words that describe Christmas, most people probably wouldn't include love. Peace and Joy would definitely be on the list. Hope might be, but Love, probably not. It's more of a Valentine's Day word, right? Yet, love is the hinge on which all of Christmas revolves.
"In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him." -- 1 John 4:9 ESV
There it is, the Christmas story, summed up in a single verse, in a single sentence.
Love was manifest.
Love was shown.
Love was proven.
The entire story of the Bible and human history is the story of God's goodness and love, and the Christmas story was the evidence of this. He proved His love when He sent His Son, Jesus, to be born into humanity, as a human, to live and ultimately die for you and I.
Christmas is all about God's love for us, and in turn, it's an invitation for us to love Him and to show our love to each other.
So this Christmas, as you are celebrating, however you are celebrating, with whatever wonderful traditions your family holds dear, remember that God loves you. He sent His Son into the world because He loves you, as a clear sign of His love for you. He invites you into His love. Accept it, and find life abundant and overflowing within the perfect love of the Messiah.
Merry Christmas!
"In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him." -- 1 John 4:9 ESV
There it is, the Christmas story, summed up in a single verse, in a single sentence.
Love was manifest.
Love was shown.
Love was proven.
The entire story of the Bible and human history is the story of God's goodness and love, and the Christmas story was the evidence of this. He proved His love when He sent His Son, Jesus, to be born into humanity, as a human, to live and ultimately die for you and I.
Christmas is all about God's love for us, and in turn, it's an invitation for us to love Him and to show our love to each other.
So this Christmas, as you are celebrating, however you are celebrating, with whatever wonderful traditions your family holds dear, remember that God loves you. He sent His Son into the world because He loves you, as a clear sign of His love for you. He invites you into His love. Accept it, and find life abundant and overflowing within the perfect love of the Messiah.
Merry Christmas!