Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
eXplorers is X Factor Church's children's ministry, serving babies and children through 5th grade. With the exception of the first Sunday of the month*, this ministry meets during worship services on Sundays at 10:30am, and hosts several annual events including Vacation Bible School, Back to School Movie Night, and Fall Fest.
*The first Sunday of the month is our Family Worship Service in which we invite everyone in the family to worship together in the same service.
Our children's ministry meets next door to the main church in a dedicated building, with classrooms, a kitchen, and common areas.
*The first Sunday of the month is our Family Worship Service in which we invite everyone in the family to worship together in the same service.
Our children's ministry meets next door to the main church in a dedicated building, with classrooms, a kitchen, and common areas.
Here's What Your Kids Are Learning About Right Now
Weekend eXplorers Classes
Tuesday TraX 4 Kids Classes

1-5 Grade


1-5 Grade

Upcoming eXplorers Events
Ongoing Events
Special Events
chiX: Women's Ministry

Weekly Meetings
Sunday 10:30am
TraX 4 Kids: Tuesday 6:30Pm
Family Worship Service
The first Sunday of every month is our Family Worship Service. There are no separate kids' classes offered, but we invite your family to worship all together.