September 15th, 2023
John 15:10-11. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you,...  Read More
by Thomas Bailey
What Is Wisdom
September 8th, 2023
Wisdom is valuable and elusive, but what is it? Is it just combined experience and knowledge resulting in understanding such that it leads to living a successful life? In a worldly sense, that definit...  Read More
by Matthew Butler
Self Control
September 1st, 2023
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; against such things there is no law. -- Galatians 5:22-23For God gave us a Spi...  Read More
by Alan Fowler
Praise & Worship
August 29th, 2023
We often consider praise and worship as the same thing. And yes they are related concepts, but they differ. Praise is focused on what God has done for us—it’s about thanksgiving, gratitude, and ap...  Read More
by Matthew Butler
Fruit of The Spirit
August 25th, 2023
Fruit salad!It's delicious, right? Who doesn't love a great fruit salad? (If you don't, just pretend that you do for now.) What makes fruit salad so fantastic is the mix of fruit. It's not a just a bo...  Read More
by Scott Downing
Love Your Neighbor
August 18th, 2023
Love my neighbor? Who is my neighbor? Are they the people that live on each side of me? Or in my tight circle of friends? The answer is yes.......and EVERYONE else!We are called to love & love uncondi...  Read More
by Thomas Bailey
August 16th, 2023
The meaning of benevolence is the “disposition to do good; kindliness; any act of kindness.” This is one of the things that God has always required of His people. Leviticus 19:9-10 tells us “Whe...  Read More
by Alan Fowler
August 9th, 2023
It has been said that grace is getting something that you do not deserve. It is undeserved favor, an unearned wage or gift."For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doi...  Read More
by Scott Downing
August 9th, 2023
Stewardship: The conducting, supervising, or managing of something, especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.So, stewardship is taking care of things ...  Read More
by Alan Fowler
August 9th, 2023
GO..."GO therefore and make disciples of all nations..." -- Matthew 28:19a"...GO into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." -- Mark 16:15b"And I heard the voice of the Lord say...  Read More
by Scott Downing
What Is Church?
August 9th, 2023
What is church? It’s not a building! It’s not a club! It’s not a performance! A church can be described as a gospel community or family, where people gather to be remade by God’s word.The peop...  Read More
by Matthew Butler
August 9th, 2023
Prayer should be an important part of every believer’s life, yet most believers feel that their prayer life is lacking. There are many questions about prayer: Whom do I pray to? Where do I pray? Whe...  Read More
by Thomas Bailey